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Fragmented Development


This is a repository for the thoughts, notes, and achievements of Mr. Jacob Hume. It contains posts on a large variety of subjects, technical and otherwise.

Server Administration for Dummies

I finally got Postfix configured correctly (if not completely) on my VPS. It took a lot of poking, but now I can send and receive mail in SquirrelMail. While this is only the beginning of the configuration, it's a nice feeling to have something "click" and start functioning. I owe it all to the fantastic Postfix documentation - quality stuff they've got there.

jQuery, wrap(), and IE

I decided to create a collapsible/expandable navigation script as one of my first forays into jQuery, and ran into an interesting issue with the way I was using the wrap() function, and the way Internet Explorer interpreted it.

Where's Windigo?

At one of our LUG meetings, NYbill noted that I had more or less been a no-show lately on the forums, IRC and everywhere else. I even missed a LUG meeting! So, I wanted to give everybody a little sneak peek on something that I've been working on...

PHP or die?

In several low-level, beginner PHP tutorials you'll see this:

Wine Gaming: Osmos

I picked up a copy of Osmos, an independent game from Hemisphere Games, a couple weeks ago. As is usually the case with independent games, Osmos takes a bit of a diversion from your classic 3D-Shooter or RPG genre restrictions, and invents it's own game type.

For a full list of posts, feel free to check out the Archive!