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Fragmented Development

Posts Tagged With housekeeping

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Dark times ahead

I haven't had much excuse to do any real web design in quite some time. To get my toes wet again, I added dark mode support for FragDev, along with other updates that have been a long time coming.

Read the full post: Dark times ahead

Blast from the past

I've been blogging for ages, on various platforms and subjects. A lot of the early stuff is not fit for consumption, but I had nearly one hundred posts in an old LifeType blog that I neglected to import into my current Django site.

Read the full post: Blast from the past

The last six months

I've been "off the grid" for more or less the past six months. In case you were wondering why, here's an itemized list of my daily routine, expressed through my inner monologue.

Read the full post: The last six months

Approaching Zero

On July 1st, somewhere around Midnight in the UTC timezone, I closed down the GNUsocial instance I ran and tucked away the data in an archive. After implementing shipping and payment processing, the ecommerce project I've been working on will be ready for production. This weekend, I cleaned out the garage after putting it off for months.

Read the full post: Approaching Zero

No Vacancy

With over 50 registered users, the FragDev GNUsocial instance is much larger than I ever expected it to grow. To be honest, I figured it would probably be my own personal instance and not much more.

Read the full post: No Vacancy

New Django Blog is Finished!

Wooo! How exciting! This is the first post I'm making on the new Django-based blogging engine I've been writing. With this, I think the main overhaul is just about finished.

Read the full post: New Django Blog is Finished!

Now With IE8 Support!

Notice anything different about this site? …well, hopefully not.

Read the full post: Now With IE8 Support!

Light Layout

Not an immense update, but I've changed the appearance of my website to correct a few issues. While the appearance of things has drastically changed, the CSS was only slightly tweaked.

Read the full post: Light Layout

Meaty Dilemma

I received my first comment on this blog the other day.

Read the full post: Meaty Dilemma