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Fragmented Development


This is a repository for the thoughts, notes, and achievements of Mr. Jacob Hume. It contains posts on a large variety of subjects, technical and otherwise.

Transfering a domain from GoDaddy to Hover

I have been slowly moving all of my domains away from GoDaddy to my preferred registrar, Hover (full disclosure; that's a referral link). I have about a dozen domain names, but one of them is much more complex and important than the rest:

CSS Selectors for eBooks

Do you know Jonathan Kulp? If you don't, you're missing out. He is a cool dude.

Favorite Openbox Configs

As an Openbox user, I like to tinker. This should not surprise anyone who's used this window manager - it's highly configurable, and very easy to customize.

Getreel; youtube-dl wrapped in a web app

My friend Jezra was recently put into the same predicament that I've been in for the last year and a half. We live in beautiful areas that are full of natural splendor, but very light on the technology front. As a result, we both have our Internet beamed to us from frickin' space via a satellite.

Backup Exec stuck at "Loading Media"

Upon logging in to our backup server this morning, I was alarmed to find our last backup job stuck with a status of "Loading Media". Our backups are backup-to-disk, so there wasn't any media to load. I quickly checked the filesystem, and it still had an enormous amount of free space. So what was holding up our backups?

For a full list of posts, feel free to check out the Archive!