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Fragmented Development

GNUsocial Migration Script

Update: Tobias provided a canonical link to his StatusNet Move Account script.

When you're migrating to a new GNUsocial instance, it's handy to be able to set up your subscriptions from your old account on your new instance. Tobias Diekershoff created a very helpful Python 3 script to help you migrate those subscriptions!

I couldn't find any place that Tobias had posted it, so I'll just paste it here for posterity. I made some slight modifications to represent the change from StatusNet to GNUsocial.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

With this Python3 script you can selectively copy your subscriptions from one
GNUsocial [1] instance to another. The script runs in the terminal and does not
need any command line parameters. All you need to do is change the credentials
for the two GNUsocial instances (see below) and answer some yes/no questions.

If you encounter any problems feel free to contact me [2] or patch them by

Have fun!
  bavatar / Tobias Diekershoff


###  Old instance
old_instance = {
### New GS installation
new_instance = {
        'user':'NEW_USER',  # your username
        'password':'SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD',       # your password
        'api':'https://NEW_INSTANCE/api/'         # base api

#   That should be all

import json, urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import subprocess
from sys import exit

def ask_to_connect(friend):
    ask for confirmation to follow that 'friend' after displaying some
    informations about that particular one.
    print('===== %s (%s) =====\n  [%s]' % (friend['screen_name'],
        friend['name'], friend['description']))
    yn = input('Shall I subscribe? [y/N] > ')
    return yn.upper() == 'Y'

#  fetch the friend lists from the source and the target GNUsocial installation
#  for comparison during the subscription process later
friends_from = urllib.request.urlopen(old_instance['api']+'/statuses/friends/%s.json' %
friends_there = urllib.request.urlopen(new_instance['api']+'/statuses/friends/%s.json' %
jfriends_from = json.loads( friends_from )
jfriends_there = json.loads( friends_there )

#  set up the connection at the target installation so that we can post notices
#  there to subscribe to some accounts at any given GNUsocial installation
pwd_mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
pwd_mgr.add_password(None, new_instance['api'], new_instance['user'], new_instance['password'])
handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pwd_mgr)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler)

#  get a list with profile urls of the friends do not we already have to avoid
#  duplicate subscription error messages that we need to handle otherwise...
urls = []
for f in jfriends_there:
for f in jfriends_from:
    aurl = f['statusnet_profile_url']
    if not aurl in urls:
        #  ok if the profile url is not already subscribed then ask the user if
        #  s/he wants to and then do so.
        if ask_to_connect(f):
            themsg = urlencode( {'status':"follow %s" % aurl} )
            urllib.request.urlopen(new_instance['api']+'/statuses/update.json?%s' % themsg, '')

Tags: python gnusocial

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