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Fragmented Development


This is a repository for the thoughts, notes, and achievements of Mr. Jacob Hume. It contains posts on a large variety of subjects, technical and otherwise.

Using QEMU inside a terminal with serial output

I often have a need for a quick virtual machine. Many of them don't require any video output, so having a virtual monitor is a little overkill. Luckily, with a few QEMU switches and brief configuration of the guest VM, you can view console output in a standard terminal on the host system.

Blast from the past

I've been blogging for ages, on various platforms and subjects. A lot of the early stuff is not fit for consumption, but I had nearly one hundred posts in an old LifeType blog that I neglected to import into my current Django site.

Python hasattr method headache

Python's hasattr function checks to see if an object has an attribute - a fairly straightforward and sensible purpose. When I used it, however, it caused some very subtle problems that were tricky and unintuitive to debug.

The last six months

I've been "off the grid" for more or less the past six months. In case you were wondering why, here's an itemized list of my daily routine, expressed through my inner monologue.

Better permissions for uploaded files in Django

Django assigns permissions to any user-submitted files it saves. If you don't explicitly set what these are, it uses an operating system default - which, in most cases, is 0600. If you're unfamiliar with unix-style file permissions, that means the following:

For a full list of posts, feel free to check out the Archive!